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Why and When to Remove Warts

Warts are fairly common skin growths that are caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Though there are over 60 kinds of HPV, only a handful of the virus variations result in warts on the skin. Warts most commonly appear on the fingers or hands, though others show up on various parts of the body or in the genital area. In many instances, warts do not pose any medical threat and aren’t serious, apart from being a nuisance and possibly an embarrassment, but the following wart situations may require removal and/or medical treatment.

Genital Warts

These types of warts appear in the pubic area of both men and women who have been affected by the HPV virus, generally through sexual contact with someone who had the virus. They appear as small, flesh colored clusters and may be very tiny. Usually these warts are not painful, though some are very itchy, may bleed, and may cause some mild pain. The HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in America and the reason why a patient should have genital warts treated and removed is because the virus causing these warts can result in cervical cancer. Lack of treatment of the virus will result in spreading to others that the patient comes in contact with.

Those who suffer from genital warts are often prone to embarrassment which may prevent them from pursuing a healthy sexual relationship. The removal and treatment of genital warts can help patients move on from their condition and pursue better self confidence and sexual relationships.

Embarrassing Warts

In children’s books, warts are often associated with less than savory characters, and though the comparison isn’t fair or appropriate, many people with warts feel self conscious about their condition, especially when it’s on public display. Warts on the hands, face, elbows, or in other highly visible areas may make some patients feel less confident. In these situations, there’s no need to just accept the warts or shun social activities that make you feel embarrassed. Removal of these warts can be painless, easy, and permanent with the help of an experienced dermatologist.

Sometimes a more serious skin issue is mistaken for a wart, when really it’s the beginnings of a cancerous growth. This is another reason why any warts or suspected warts should be examined, removed, and treated by a qualified dermatologist who treats warts and other skin conditions.

Picture By Steven Fruitsmaak – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,