The Causes of Aging Skin and what YOU Can Do To Stop The Passage Of Time!

Published on: March 24, 2015

Our skin can be a dead giveaway of our age. In our image-driven society, tired and worn looking skin can have many disadvantages. You could miss opportunities in dating, climbing the corporate ladder, and other facets of life.

Here Are Some of the Top Causes of Aging Skin

The number one cause of aging skin is time. It’s not on our sides. But as the clock ticks away, there may be habits you’re partaking in that might be facilitating premature aging. These include smoking, drinking, not getting enough sleep, or overexposure to the sun.

In addition, your inner health will show on the outside – so taking proper care of yourself is crucial to healthy looking skin.

The Best Skin Aging Procedures

Regardless of your skin’s condition however, science, medicine, and technology have allowed us to rewind the clock, in more ways than one:

  • Topical Creams – these work to some extent, and a dermatologist can prescribe the best brands to use based on your signs and symptoms.
  • Mini Facelifts – are revolutionary new treatments that literally set the clock back by ten years or more! These take less than two hours to complete, and they’re also cost-effective. The mini facelift is done by making minuscule incisions by the ears and hairline, where the surgeon works meticulously to re-drape the skin – removing any fine lines and wrinkles that are presently visible. The effects are instant and dramatic – all while looking natural at the same time. If you want to stop the passage of time, this treatment is a surefire way of getting the job done – efficiently.
  • Chemical Peels and Facials – one of the recommended skin care routines recommended by top dermatologists is getting a facial or chemical peel every so often, meaning a few times per year. These are effective for sloughing off dead skin cells, as well as dirt and grime that may be causing whiteheads or blackheads.
  • Botox and Fillers – these treatments are effective for minimizing and preventing fine lines and wrinkles, as well as boosting lost volume in the cheeks and other facial areas – due to aging.

The Skin and Vein Center offers a myriad of treatment options to rejuvenate aging skin. Come in for a free evaluation, and we’ll recommend the best plan of action to rewind the clock!

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