Living With Rosacea: What You Can Do To Alleviate Symptoms

Published on: April 1, 2015

Rosacea affects millions in the United States, and if you’ve experienced the symptoms, you know how uncomfortable and embarrassing this condition can be. We’ll share a few tips for alleviating the symptoms, like:

  • Red Bumps on the Face – this is one of the most popular telltale signs of rosacea, which many patients often confuse with acne.
  • Red Blushing – even if you’re not blushing, you may experience continuous redness in specific areas of the face, including visible blood vessels. While many patients can cover up with makeup, the condition can be irritating. Plus, makeup is considered to be a top trigger that can cause even more swelling and redness.
  • Eye Issues – rosacea can also affect your eye health, in that it causes discomforts like burning and stinging. You may also have a tired appearance, even if you’ve clocked in a full night’s sleep.

Are There Treatments for Rosacea?

Thankfully, yes. A dermatologist is your best option for fighting and managing rosacea. Some of the top treatment options include:

  • Changing Skincare Routine – similar to other skin conditions like eczema, experts recommend using gentle cleansers and staying away from triggers like perfumes and skin products which can cause more flare-ups or flushing.
  • Prescription Medicine – some doctors and dermatologists will often prescribe medicines like antibiotics for helping to ease symptoms. These are often prescribed at several intervals to prevent flares. The downside however, is the side effects from medications.
  • Light-Based Therapy – new introductions in treatment like light based therapy, offered by the Skin and Vein Center, have proven effective for reducing the signs and symptoms of this chronic skin issue. The technique works by applying targeted light therapy to the affected area, which in turn decreases a plethora of signs, including swelling, redness and bumps. Imagine what it would feel like to have healthy looking skin and go bare faced once and for all!

Where to Get Professional Help

The Skin and Vein Center is a leading dermatologist center with advanced treatments for rosacea, eczema, acne, and other common skin issues. To schedule an appointment, call 800-400-VEIN. The dermatologist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your skin, including on the face, neck, back, and other areas to determine the type of rosacea you’re affected by. In turn, the best treatment options can be prescribed for your skin type.

For more information and resources regarding rosacea, visit the National Rosacea Society.

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