Skin and Facial Rejuvenation

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

Beautiful girl with curly hairstyle

Men and women of all ages, skin tones and lifestyles are susceptible to potential skin ailments, damage, and the eventual effects of aging and gravity. At our center, we focus on taking care of the skin by improving and treating all manner of skin-related issues with a variety of facial rejuvenation procedures. But what is facial rejuvenation, exactly?

Facial rejuvenation is the term we use to describe the restorative effects of the cosmetic procedures that improve the look and feel of skin on a patient’s face. By offering the latest technologies and most effective treatments available to help restore and refresh our patients’ skin, countless individuals have felt more confidence in their overall appearance. Some of our most popular facial rejuvenation procedures include the following treatment options.

Thermage® Facial Laser Treatment

The facial Thermage® laser treatment is for those who are looking to contour and tighten their facial skin non-invasively to help restore a more youthful appearance. Using capacitive radiofrequency to tighten existing collagen while stimulating new collagen production, patients are able to see significant improvement in their fine lines and sagging skin.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are popular procedures because they can help treat many different facial skin problems at once. Chemical peels are great options for brightening the skin, erasing sun damage, reducing fine lines, removing light freckles and spots, and smoothing acne scars. Dead skin cells are taken out while stimulating the production of new skin cells to help encourage a glowing, rejuvenating complexion.

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatments are especially effective at removing fine lines and smoothing out deeper creases that are often the result of smoking, years of stress, and advanced age. CO2 laser resurfacing is frequently used to lessen the severity of lines between and around the eyes, the sides of the mouth, and on the forehead.


Microdermabrasion is another non-invasive procedure that works to take out the outermost layer of dead skin cells to bring out the younger, smoother, softer skin below the surface. This treatment is also very effective at treating acne scarring. Using a hand-held wand and micro-crystals, the skin is carefully polished while a vacuuming motion helps to pull of flakes and pore-clogging dirt. Multiple and regular treatments are often recommended for patients who want to see full results.


Botox® is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles due to its safe muscle-relaxing properties. A microneedle is used to inject Botox® into the affected areas to smooth out frown or smile lines. This procedure is very quick and effective, though follow up treatments are necessary to maintain the results.

Alternative Treatments

As wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear or grow significantly in number, seemingly overnight, the search for a solution often ensues. There are lots of creams, ointments, capsules, and cleansers claiming to lessen the severity of these often unwanted changes. Sun exposure and age take their toll on all faces eventually, but the quest to slow down the hands of time is one that millions of people share. There are many facial rejuvenation treatments and methods, some more natural, others of the cosmetic enhancement variety. Some facial rejuvenation treatment options that many people seek before looking toward facial fillers and other cosmetic options include some of the following non-surgical facial rejuvenation options.


Arabinoxylans are found in the cells of grains, including barley, wheat, and rye, and are responsible for the cohesion of resistance cells. As such, extracts from these materials are thought to have skin-boosting abilities intended to help firm and lift the skin. There are some arabinoxylan fillers on the market which contain this rye extract and are intended to target the loss of volume in the skin.

Microcurrent Treatments

Microcurrent treatments mimic the body’s electrical impulses as though the brain is re-educating muscles that have begun to slacken with age. Doing this is said to help relocate where those facial muscles ought to be, and regular treatments should help restore proper facial tone. Tiny charges help to stimulate facial muscles, and in so doing, improve the appearance of aging.

Saccharide Isomerate

Saccharide Isomerate is used as a moisturizing regulator by binding to the free amino groups of keratin and lysine within the layers of the skin, and in so doing, plumping up skin that has lost much of its volume. Their effectiveness is debatable, with some patients happy with the results and others not so sure they see any improvement at all.

Simple Prevention Tactics

If your skin is not yet to the point of showing wrinkles, sagging skin, crow’s feet, and smile lines, there might still be much to be done in the way of prevention. Even if significant damage has taken place, prevention is always beneficial. The effects of old age are largely inevitable, but by staying hydrated, avoiding overexposure to the sun, and eating healthy foods, your skin can look vibrant and more youthful that it would otherwise.


If you have any questions about these procedures, such as what the best facial rejuvenation procedures for your skin would be, please don’t hesitate to call us. Our professional staff is here to provide an answer for any concerns you may have.