Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

People are living longer than ever before, but with older age comes some unwanted issues such as a decline in athleticism, eyesight, and the loss of a youthful appearance. Many people feel shocked to find that their face doesn’t look as young as they still feel inside, as they watch new wrinkles, sagging skin and fine lines appear more and more with each passing day. As people age, the building blocks for youthful, plump skin begin to slow down their production process. Collagen production slows and the fat beneath the skin that has been so instrumental in creating a voluminous appearance starts to diminish.
Thankfully, with the help of the Skin & Vein Center, there are many things that can be done to help slow this process of aging, and one such cosmetic option includes the use of FDA approved facial fillers. Fillers have been used countless times to restore volume and a youthful glow to men and women of all ages who aren’t ready to fully succumb to the appearance of advancing years.
Belotero® Fillers
Belotero® is a hyaluronic acid gel filler that is specifically designed to tighten sagging skin, and in so doing, improve the appearance of wrinkles, including those that so often appear around a patient’s lips, nose, eyes, and neck. Belotero® injections have been designed as a “top layer” filler, meaning that it can be injected over deeper fillers such as Radiesse® to help further soften and finesse more superficial wrinkles.
Benefits of Belotero® Injections
Belotero® patients enjoy many benefits, including but not limited to:
- A tightening of saggy skin
- The improvement of wrinkles around the mouth
- Years taken off the appearance of the face
- An affordable option with maximum results
Belotero® is also a very minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that is injected with a very small needle and requires no major pain killers and no downtime post-procedure. Patients are able to resume their daily activities almost immediately.
Schedule a Consultation
If you’re tired of accepting unnecessary wrinkles and fine lines and want to look into Belotero® fillers as an option, we encourage you to call and schedule an appointment with the Skin & Vein Center to discuss your treatment options, go over any questions you might have, and give you some answers as to what you can reasonably expect for post-treatment results. We have helped thousands of patients restore some of their youthful glow and look forward to doing the same for you.