HourLift Family of Mini-Facelifts
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

As people age, bones begin to shrink, facial structures decrease, and our skin and muscles begin to sag. This occurs in our facial structure too, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles and s–––agging skin. This creates an aged look in both men and women and causes them to look older than they would like to appear. Fortunately, there is a way to restore your youthful appearance with our family of HourLift mini facelift procedures that provide excellent patient satisfaction!
Dr. Eric Seiger pioneered the amazing HourLift mini face lift in Michigan procedures over 20 years ago and has performed over 6,000 lifts. People travel from all over the country (and even some foreign countries) to have this procedure done in our Michigan offices.
It can be frustrating when you’re feeling so good on the inside and you look in the mirror and realize that your face doesn’t reflect that. All of our HourLift Michigan mini facelift procedures are done in-office with no general anesthesia, and the best part is that results last 5 to 10 years!
The HourLift procedures are designed specifically to fit your desires and needs. Prior to all of our HourLift mini face lift procedures, you will speak with a member of our expert, professional staff. During the consultation, we will guide you to make the right procedure(s) just for you.
Before and After Photos
The Mini Face Lift/HourLift
The Mini Facelift, also known as the HourLift procedure takes between one to one and a half hours, during which, an incision is made in front of the ear to the frontal hairline. The surgeon will then tighten the muscle with a special suture that will keep the patient’s skin-tight for 5-10 years. The surgeon will lift the muscle under the skin, and tighten the skin and remove any excess skin producing a more youthful, wrinkle-free appearance. Traditional sutures are used to close the skin.
After the mini-facelift procedure, patients will wear an iced head garment for approximately 24 to 48 hours. The patient will generally be able to shampoo their hair and apply makeup the day after the procedure. The sutures will be taken out within six to eight days. A small percentage of patients may experience some bruising and minimal pain that can be alleviated with oral medication.
What is Included in the HourLift?
The HourLift is an affordable and comprehensive facial rejuvenation package designed to enhance your appearance using a blend of subtle yet effective treatments. The HourLift procedure includes a mini facelift and mini neck lift to gently lift and tighten sagging skin, resulting in a more youthful contour to your face and neck. To enhance volume and smooth out lines, mid-face fillers are used to give your cheeks, chin and under-eye area a natural, more youthful appearance. Botox is then administered to relax the lines at rest and soften wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and forehead for a refreshed look. As an added benefit, a chemical peel may be included, that can be tailored to your skin’s needs be it improved skin texture or pigmentation issues. This all-encompassing procedure provides natural results with minimal downtime, giving you a refreshed, lifted appearance in just a few hours.

When you restore volume to your face, you are “reinflating” your face to a more natural, youthful shape. The results can be very dramatic bringing tremendous joy and satisfaction to our patients who elect this option.

It is very important that you understand that the volumizing technique we perform with fillers, is not just a common injection technique that the majority of practitioners perform for superficial results. This is truly a very specialized filler placement technique that very few know how to do and the results, from our experience and patient feedback, are fantastic!
Upper Lift
Not ready for an HourLift? The Upper Lift is a minimally invasive procedure designed to lift and rejuvenate the upper portion of the face, particularly for younger patients. The procedure involves a hidden incision starting at the top of the ear ending behind the temporal hairline (the area behind the temple), to lift the skin in the cheeks and jowls. This provides a more youthful appearance. Recovery time is minimal, typically one to two days, with little to no bruising and minimal to no scarring. The results are natural and enhance the facial contours for a refreshed appearance. This procedure can also be combined with mid-face filler or eyelid surgery for enhanced overall results.
When you find yourself pulling back the skin on either side of your face as you look in the mirror, it may be time to consider the revolutionary HourLift or Upper Lift that will leave you looking as you feel! Bring back your self-confidence and call us today for a free confidential, no-obligation consultation at 800-439-7546.
Upper Lift Before and After

*Individual results may vary.
Ideal Candidate
The HourLift facelift often referred to as the “mini facelift” or the “lunchtime facelift,” is one of the most common types of facelift procedures performed today. Able to address the sagging skin and wrinkles that make so many patients feel less than confident in their own skin, the HourLift facelift restores definition with the help of just a few small incisions made around the ears as the skin is gently lifted upward. The HourLift facelift has refreshed the appearance of thousands of people, both men and women, by providing significant, natural-looking improvements.
As with any cosmetic procedure, a patient has several factors to consider before moving forward. The best thing to do if you’re considering a procedure of any kind is to first seek out an experienced, professional doctor like Dr. Seiger, at the Skin and Vein Center, who can perform the procedure for you with care and precision. Dr. Seiger has performed the same procedure on many others in the past and received positive reviews from his hundreds of patients.
‘The Hour Lift’ or Mini-Facelift is Now the Most Popular Cosmetic Procedure
By: Sally Rummel
Originally published in the Tri-County Times, Fenton, MI 48430
Dated: September 23, 2012She eats right, she works out and takes care of herself every day.
She wants her face to reflect this same youthful vitality that the rest of her body shows.
That’s why one local 69-year-old woman, who asked to remain anonymous, is in the pre-op area of the Skin and Vein Center in Fenton for “The Hour Lift,” a mini-facelift procedure that’s becoming more and more popular.
“We’ve been doing these for about 15 years, but they’ve become much more mainstream now since makeover shows on TV began to glamorize them about 10 years ago,” said Dr. Eric Seiger, board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon. “It’s not a ‘taboo’ thing anymore.”
Dr. Seiger estimates he has done between 2,500 and 3,000 of these procedures, on women as young as 24 and for a couple who was each 86 years old. “I’d say the median age for this surgery is about 58, and 95 percent of my patients are women. The results will last between five and 10 years, depending upon the patient.”
The difference between The 1 Hour Lift and a regular (plastic surgery) facelift, is that The Hour Lift involves cutting the skin and tightening the facial muscles, rather than moving the facial muscles. The areas primarily improved by a facelift are the jowls, cheeks and neck. There’s a huge difference in recovery time and price. “It’s the difference between a three-day recovery and a two-week commitment,” said Dr. Seiger.
The price is also a huge factor in a person’s decision to undergo this procedure. A full facelift will cost between $15,000 to $30,000 and up — depending upon the scope of the procedure. These elective cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance.
“The number one thing that patients say to me is, ‘I don’t want to look 20 years old again. I just want to look in the mirror and be able to look as good as I feel inside. I want to feel refreshed,’” said Dr. Seiger.
The Benefits of the HourLift: Who Can Try the One-Hour Mini-Facelift?
For the 69-year-old patient who was waiting for her procedure, The Hour Lift was not only for her own self-esteem, but also for her success in the business world. “A youthful appearance validates your professionalism,” she said. “This is how we get measured for our success.”
The difference between an HourLift facelift and a traditional facelift is that a regular facelift involves actually moving the muscles of the face into a new position while the HourLift facelift simply tightens the muscles in the face. A traditional facelift requires a good two weeks to heal, while an HourLift facelift is generally three days of recovery. Another huge difference between the two procedures is the overall cost. A traditional lift can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 while an HourLift will cost significantly less.
What To Expect

The procedure begins with the administration of a mild sedative and a local anesthetic to numb the face. A small incision is made in front of both ears and then the tissue just beneath the skin’s surface will be carefully lifted upwards. Any extra skin will be expertly taken out and the tightening of the skin will reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Patients should expect to wear an ice garment on their head for a couple days following their procedure to reduce swelling and bruising. The results of an HourLift facelift are widely well received. Most patients report looking and feeling five to 10 years younger and the results of the lift can last anywhere between five and 10 years.
Speedy Results
The HourLift facelift is a swift, cost-effective way to turn back the clock on age. At the Skin and Veins Center, Dr. Seiger performs the HourLift facelift with precision and care, leaving patients with a sense of trust and security. Begin the process today by scheduling an initial consultation with Dr. Seiger to learn how you can benefit from an HourLift facelift. Contact us today at 800-439-7546. to schedule an in-person or virtual, no cost consultation.
Are you considering a facelift? Do you want to take back the power of feeling attractive and getting noticed by strangers once more? The good news is that there are several types of cosmetic facelifts available, each having its own pros and cons.
Let’s explore the most popular facelifts available today:
- Liquid Facelift – This type of facelift happens with the use of fillers. The fillers boost volume in areas that are sagging including like the cheeks, jawlines, and other areas of the face. The bonus of liquid fillers is that the results happen instantly, and fine lines and wrinkles become less visible. The downside is that the procedure has to be repeated every few months. Fillers, or liquid facelifts, are furthermore affordable compared to a number of other procedures, however, considering the reoccurring nature of maintaining the results, it all adds up.
- The Mini Facelift/HourLift Procedure – This is a new and popular alternative to traditional facelifts or plastic surgery. The procedure takes less than two hours and only tiny incisions are made around the ear and hairline. All it takes is a look at the mini facelifts before and after photos to see how amazing they can be! Results happen instantly – Other advantages of this option include less downtime and discomfort. While a traditional facelift can cost $15,000 – $30,000 or more, Dr. Seiger’s Upper Lift procedure starts $3,900, while his HourLift pricing starts at $7,200 (prices vary per state, call for more information).
- Full Face Plastic Surgery – This is an invasive and full facelift, requiring more incisions and subsequently more recovery time. The benefit is that the results are longer lasting. Another downside is the exorbitant cost, time commitment, long healing times and risks associated with having invasive surgery.
Mini Facelifts Vs Plastic Surgery
Many of us have heard the stories of plastic surgery gone wrong, and we ask ourselves: can this happen with a cosmetic facelift? Because the latter isn’t as invasive, it carries fewer risks where infections and serious complications are concerned. In many cases too, cosmetic facelifts provide natural-looking results compared to plastic surgery, where patients may appear to look drastically different.
So how safe is the HourLift Facelift? Well, a lot of the safety and outcome of the procedure depends upon who is performing it and under what circumstances. If you, as a patient, are in relatively good health, without any serious medical conditions, and you’ve sought the expertise of Dr. Seiger, who has performed many of the same operations on others in the past, the procedure is quite safe. With the application of a local anesthetic versus a general anesthetic, patients are under less of a risk, and able to heal and recover much quicker. Instead of using serious surgical tools, Dr. Seiger is able to produce significant results with minimally invasively techniques.
Being able to afford the HourLift face lift is something many patients are concerned with. It’s important to bear in mind that this facelift is considered elective surgery, meaning that patients should expect to pay for the treatment completely out of pocket. The HourLift facelift is considerably more affordable than a traditional facelift. Generally speaking, the HourLift face lift is often half the cost of a traditional facelift while providing comparable results.
There are financing and payment plans available to help patients pay for their procedure. This should be discussed with Dr. Seiger and his staff before you move forward. They can let you know what kind of payment options are available to you.
Once you’ve decided on what type of facelift is right for you, it’s time to do your research on the best providers to complete the job. The Skin and Vein Center offers free consultations for mini-facelifts, which take roughly 1.5 hours to complete, with an affordable price point starting at $3,900 (prices vary per state). Give us a call at 800-439-7546. to learn more.
Is the Hour Lift an Invasive Surgical Procedure?
The Hour Lift is a less-invasive surgical procedure done by making small incisions around the hairline to help lift your face and correct sagging skin, and it only takes an hour or two of your time to get it done!
Do the results vary by patient?
Yes, the HourLift is customizable based on each patient’s unique needs. This customization allows us to accent each patient’s specific features.
What type of anesthesia is used?
The HourLift procedures is done in-office, under local anesthetic. This makes the procedure much safer than plastic surgery facelifts done under general anesthesia.
How long do the effects last?
The HourLift is a long-term mini-facelift that lasts between five and 10 years. In our HourLift, the use of fillers and botox do require regular touch-ups. The frequency of touch-ups depends on which type of fillers are used, but typically every 10-15 months.
How long is the recovery?
Healing time can vary by patient, however, the HourLift has an overall shorter recovery time than plastic surgical facelifts. Ice garments should be worn for 24-48 hours and sutures will be removed in seven days. The typical recovery time is three days.