IPL Photofacial in San Diego

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, or Photofacial, is a dermatological procedure that uses pulses of concentrated light of different wavelengths to eliminate unwanted skin blemishes by heating the tissue and promoting new cell growth. IPL is different from laser treatments because these devices use multiple different wavelengths in their treatment, whereas lasers use only one monochromatic wavelength. (1)

Before and After Photos

IPL is successful at treating a wide range of dermatological conditions. While initially developed to treat leg telangiectasias (bright red, visible blood vessels in the skin, also known as “spider veins”), the FDA has approved IPL treatment for acne, skin rejuvenation, wrinkle elimination, rosacea, hair removal, melasma, hyperpigmentation, and much more. More uses for IPL therapy are discovered each day too.

If you are plagued with unresponsive skin conditions, then the IPL Photofacial may be your breakthrough treatment. Take the first step toward a rejuvenated look today and schedule a meeting at Skin & Vein Center West to discuss your procedure options. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to call us at (619) 704-2100 to get the information you need.

About IPL

While still a relatively new treatment technology — having been first used in 1996 — intense pulsed light (IPL) therapies have shown remarkable success in skin rejuvenation and healing. IPL operates based on light energy absorption in the body. The body’s natural chromophores of hemoglobin, water, and melanin all absorb different light wavelengths. By using a wide range of wavelengths, IPL therapy heats the tissue in the affected area. This process, officially called “selective thermolysis,” allows surrounding tissues to be spared while that of the targeted area is eliminated and prompted to regrow without the original blemishes. (2) Skin rejuvenation occurs as collagen is produced to heal tissue and existing collagen fibers stretch tighter in response to an influx of thermal energy. (2)

IPL can be applied to any part of the body. Creating tight, younger-looking skin without invasive procedures is an attractive option for patients, and it minimizes extra risks that doctors may have to take. Whether you have sun damage, dark spots, wrinkles, facial acne or scarring, crow’s feet, another condition, or any number of these, IPL Photofacial rejuvenation can help you achieve the results you want.


IPL Photofacial procedures can offer the following benefits.

  • Skin Rejuvenation: The treatment fosters cellular turnover, leaving patients with a fresher, healthier appearance.
  • Reduced Pigmentation: IPL effectively diminishes age spots, sun spots, and discoloration, contributing to a more uniform complexion.
  • Acne Reduction: The treatment not only targets existing acne but also helps prevent future breakouts by reducing bacteria levels.
  • Broadly effective: Unlike lasers that only use one light frequency, IPL employs multiple frequencies in each session to target multiple chromophores to treat all parts of an issue. Studies have shown long-term results after 6 months with only 3 IPL sessions. (3)
  • Painless procedure: IPL uses light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs to produce the desired wavelengths. LED bulbs do not give off heat, so there is no unnecessary discomfort.
  • No recovery: Procedures like facelifts or injections require a recovery period to reduce swelling and heal incisions. IPL patients can proceed with their day as normal after their procedure.
  • Noticeable, long-term results: Patients will begin to see results within a few days of their procedure and continue to see skin improvement up to (at least) 6 months. (3)


IPL Photofacials are noninvasive treatments that can benefit a wide range of patients. The Skin & Vein Center team normally approves any patient who is seeking IPL treatment. There are, however, some factors to consider. Patients who have recently been sunburned, are pregnant or are breastfeeding are generally recommended to delay their treatment. (1) If you think that an IPL Photofacial is the right rejuvenation method for you, then we recommend a consultation to discuss your candidacy.

Personal Consultation

When you meet with us to discuss your candidacy for IPL treatment, you will primarily discuss the facial issues you want to fix. The treatment plan created by our team will depend on the size and intensity of the blemishes, how they were formed, and more. You will also discuss your general medical history to ensure there are no existing or former issues that could cause complications. You will likely also discuss your current skincare habits and previous treatments.


Little preparation is required for your IPL Photofacial. Whatever specific measures you need to take will be explained at your appointment, but it is unlikely that any drastic changes are necessary. While we will provide eye covers during treatment, bringing a pair of dark sunglasses is helpful for extra photosensitive patients after the treatment session.


Before beginning the IPL Photofacial procedure, we will ensure your comfort throughout the session. Here is a step-by-step overview of what you can expect during the treatment:

  • Cleaning the Skin: The treatment area is thoroughly cleansed to remove any makeup, oils, or impurities.
  • Protective Eyewear: Both you and the practitioner will wear protective eyewear to shield the eyes from the bright light emitted during the session.
  • Applying Gel: A cooling gel may be applied to the face to enhance comfort and aid in light transmission.
  • Delivering Pulses of Light: The handheld device is passed over the treatment area, delivering pulses of intense light. Patients often describe the sensation as similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin.
  • Post-Treatment Care: After completing the treatment, soothing cream may be applied to the skin to minimize any irritation.

The entire procedure typically lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the size of the area being treated. There is usually no need for anesthesia, making it a gentle experience for most patients.


Because IPL Photofacials are fast, noninvasive procedures, recovery is not normally an issue for patients. Some patients have experienced redness and skin tenderness, but this can be prevented by using ultrasound gel during the procedure and can be postoperatively mended with certain topical medications. (3) Patients are encouraged to follow post-treatment care instructions, which may include:

  • Using gentle cleansers and moisturizers on the treated area.
  • Avoiding direct sun exposure and wearing sunscreen to protect newly treated skin.
  • Staying hydrated and avoiding harsh skincare products until advised otherwise.

Most individuals can resume their regular daily activities immediately, appreciating the convenience of virtually no downtime associated with this procedure.


Results from your IPL Photofacial will gradually become apparent as the skin heals and renews itself. Many patients report noticing improvements after just one treatment, but optimal results typically manifest after a series of sessions. Benefits include:

  • A smoother skin texture and refined complexion.
  • Reduced pigment irregularities and redness.
  • Enhanced overall radiance due to increased collagen production.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Facial rejuvenation is one of the most popular fields of dermatology and cosmetic surgery, and many different methods have been developed to give patients their desired youthful appearance.

  • Facelifts: Liquid facelifts, mini facelifts, traditional facelifts, and other customizable procedures are available to help you reignite your youthful glow.
  • Chemical treatments: Mildly caustic solutions help to remove the outer layers of old, dead skin to leave you with a vibrant, new, fresh complexion.
  • Microneedling and Microdermabrasion: These methods of controlled micro-injuries prompt the body to produce collagen in the targeted sites to smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Injectables: Dermal filler and neuromodulator injections can rejuvenate specific areas of the face and can be used to smooth wrinkles and volumize sunken areas.
  • Facial liposuction: Remove baggy, fatty facial tissue to create a sharp, toned look.

Whatever your facial rejuvenation goals may be, we can help you achieve them by incorporating these methods and more into your treatment plan.

Cost of IPL Photofacial in San Diego

Because each patient’s facial rejuvenation goals are different, costs will vary according to the treatment plan created. The best way to get a quote on the price of your IPL Photofacial is to discuss pricing at your consultation.

Skin & Vein Center West also offers various financing options for patients. If you have questions, please call our San Diego office at (619) 704-2100. Our staff is well-trained in navigating payment options and is happy to give you the information you need.


How many IPL sessions will I need?

Most patients benefit from a series of three to five treatments spaced a few weeks apart. We will recommend the best course of action during your consultation.

Am I a candidate for IPL if I have a darker skin tone?

While IPL is versatile, those with darker skin tones may require a specialized approach. Schedule a consultation to explore the best options for your skin type.

Can I return to my normal activities right away after IPL treatment?

Yes, most patients can resume their usual daily activities immediately after treatment.

Will an IPL Photofacial hurt?

Most individuals experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Any sensation is often described as a warm, tingling feeling.


  1. Gade A, Vasile GF, Rubenstein R. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy. PubMed. Published 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK580525/
  2. Goldberg DJ. Current Trends in Intense Pulsed Light. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2012;5(6):45-53. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3390232/
  3. Barikbin B, Akbari Z, Vafaee R, Razzaghi Z. The Efficacy of IPL in Periorbital Skin Rejuvenation: An Open-Label Study. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences. 2019;10(Suppl 1):S64-S67. doi:https://doi.org/10.15171/jlms.2019.S12