Chemical Peels in San Diego

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

Chemical Peels Skin & Vein Center West

Chemical peeling, also known as chemexfoliation, is the process of applying a chemical substance to the skin to improve its texture and tone. This controlled damage prompts skin rejuvenation and patients emerge from their treatment with fresher, younger-looking skin, free from blemishes, wrinkles, scars, and more. Patients with significant acne or actinic keratosis, a precancerous condition caused by ultraviolet light exposure that results in scaly, pasty, flaky, and hard skin, can treat these conditions with chemical peeling agents to improve their skin’s health.

A chemical peel at Skin & Vein Center West can help you achieve the improvements you want to see. Schedule an initial consultation with us to begin planning your treatment and explore which peel is right for you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our San Diego office at (619) 704-2100 for more information.

About Chemical Peels

Chemical peeling is an effective and trusted method of skin rejuvenation. Various skin conditions like acne, actinic keratosis, wrinkles, melasma, photodamage, and more can be treated and improved with peeling techniques. While many of these are natural effects of aging and hormonal changes, many patients find them to be unsightly features of their skin and seek to have them removed.

Peels are classified differently based on how deeply they penetrate the skin. Less intense light peels may only affect the outermost surface of the epidermis, but other peels may work deeper in the skin. Chemical peels contain active ingredients that exfoliate and renew the skin. (1) These are carefully applied to the skin by our Skin & Vein West specialists.

Chemical Peel Types

SkinReady Acne & Problem Skin

SkinReady is specifically formulated for treating acne and problem skin. This treatment combines chemical peeling with microdermabrasion techniques and blue and red light treatments to correct the root causes of acne and prevent the buildup of new bacteria. These treatments kill bacteria and heal skin while also reducing oil production and breaking apart sticky skin cells to create smoother, healthier, hydrated skin that is less likely to trap oil, bacteria, and dirt in the pores.

VI Peel Purify & VI Peel Purify Precision Plus

VI Peel Purify and VI Peel Purify Precision Plus are specialized chemical peels that focus on treating acne and improving skin texture. These innovative treatments combine powerful exfoliating agents with anti-inflammatory properties to renew the skin effectively. They are designed to reduce the appearance of acne scars, minimize pore size, and enhance overall skin tone and clarity. The effectiveness of the VI Peel lies in its ability to penetrate the skin layers and facilitate natural cellular renewal while providing anti-inflammatory effects that soothe irritated skin. People seek out VI Peels for various reasons, including managing persistent acne, addressing skin-related concerns such as hyperpigmentation, and achieving healthier, more radiant skin.

Jessner Peel

The Jessner Peel uses a special compound called the Jessner solution. This is a mixture of 14% resorcinol, 14% salicylic acid, and 14% lactic acid dissolved in ethanol. This has become one of the most popular methods for skin peeling. (2) Chemical peels like Jessner peels have been utilized in cosmetic dermatology for decades, gaining popularity for their ability to treat various skin concerns while improving overall skin texture and tone. Many people are interested in the Jessner peel because it offers substantial benefits without requiring extensive downtime.

Pyruvic Peel

Pyruvic peels are similar to Jessner peels except they employ pyruvic acid, which is typically diluted to 35%. This compound is naturally found in the body where it functions to help cells receive ATP energy. It serves as an exceptional treatment for various skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines. Many individuals seek pyruvic peels to enhance their skin texture, improve clarity, and achieve a brighter complexion.

Mandelic Peel

Mandelic acids are similar to lactic acids. Glycolic acid is the most commonly employed caustic agent for skin peeling, but mandelic and lactic acids have begun to emerge as popular alternatives. This treatment is especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin or those looking for a milder option compared to stronger peels. They are effective at superficial peeling while still producing the desired results. (3)

TCA Peel

TCA Peels, also known as trichloroacetic acid peels, are another common chemical peel option. These are typically used for medium-depth procedures. Common dilution for TCA is a 50% mixture of the acid and ethanol. A TCA peel can provide an overall fresh and youthful glow, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the face. Many individuals seek a TCA peel to address issues like acne scars, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and uneven skin texture


Skin-rejuvenating chemical peels can help patients enhance the appearance and health of their skin with quick, customizable procedures. Our patients regularly experience:

  • Improved Skin Texture: Chemical peels enhance skin smoothness, resulting in a soft and youthful appearance.
  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: This treatment can diminish signs of aging, providing a rejuvenated look.
  • Treatment of Acne: Chemical peels help in managing acne by unclogging pores and reducing inflammation, making them beneficial for those struggling with persistent breakouts.
  • Decreased Hyperpigmentation: By exfoliating the damaged top layers of skin, chemical peels can help lighten dark spots and even out skin tone.
  • Stimulation of Collagen Production: Deeper peels encourage increased collagen formation, leading to plumper and more resilient skin.
  • Diminished Appearance of Scars: Peels can significantly reduce the visibility of certain scars, enhancing overall skin clarity.
  • Quick Recovery: Superficial peels offer minimal downtime, allowing individuals to return to normal activities quickly.
  • Customization Options: Chemical peels can be personalized according to an individual’s skin needs, making it a versatile treatment choice.


Ideal candidates for chemical peels include:

  • Individuals with fine lines, wrinkles, or uneven skin texture
  • People struggling with acne or scarring
  • Those with hyperpigmentation or sun-damaged skin
  • Individuals seeking non-surgical options to enhance their complexion

Before proceeding with treatment, it is essential to discuss your skin goals and medical history with us during your consultation. We will determine if a chemical peel aligns with your specific needs and expectations, or suggest corresponding treatments. The most effective way to find out more is to schedule a consultation appointment at our San Diego office.

Personal Consultation

Chemical Peels Skin & Vein Center West

Scheduling a personal consultation at Skin & Vein Center West is the initial step to achieving rejuvenated skin. During this visit, we will review your medical history and assess your skin’s condition. We will take the time to understand your aesthetic concerns and the results you hope to achieve with the treatment.

A thorough skin evaluation will help us identify whether a superficial, medium-depth, or deep chemical peel is most suitable for you. We will explain the procedure, its benefits, potential risks, and answers to any questions you might have regarding pre- and post-peel care. Patients with skin infections may have to forego, delay, or alter their procedure. (1)


Before undergoing a chemical peel, it is crucial to prepare adequately to optimize results and ensure safety. Preparation may include the following steps:

  • Avoiding sun exposure or tanning beds for a few weeks before your treatment to prevent further skin irritation.
  • Discontinuing certain medications and skin products, especially retinoids or acids, as instructed.
  • Maintaining a healthy skincare routine leading up to the peel, including gentle cleansing and moisturizing.


Each chemical peel method has unique methods and intricacies, but all involve applying a mildly caustic chemical solution to the skin to remove the outermost layers, erase the damage, and stimulate the growth of new, young, healthy skin cells. The procedure generally follows these steps:

  • Cleansing: Your skin will be cleansed thoroughly to remove any makeup and impurities.
  • Application of Chemical Solution: We will apply the selected chemical solution evenly across the designated areas of the skin, monitoring skin response.
  • Setting Time: The solution will set for several minutes, during which you may feel a tingling or burning sensation, indicating the product is working.
  • Neutralization: Once the desired amount of time has elapsed, the chemical solution will be neutralized (if applicable) and rinsed off.
  • Post-Treatment Care: We will provide aftercare instructions and may apply a soothing cream or ointment to aid in recovery.


Recovery after a chemical peel largely depends on the type of peel conducted. Following a superficial peel, patients may experience redness or mild peeling similar to a sunburn. For medium-depth and deep peels, patients can expect several days to a week of peeling, redness, and inflammation.

During recovery, follow these recommendations:

  • Keep the treated area clean and moisturized.
  • Avoid sun exposure to protect the delicate healing skin.
  • Perform gentle cleansing and apply prescribed products as instructed.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and swimming until cleared.


Results from a chemical peel can vary based on the depth and type of peel. Most patients begin to see improvement within a week or two, though optimal results can continue to improve over the months as new skin emerges and collagen develops. Expect brighter, smoother skin with reduced imperfections. The longevity of results can vary depending on skin type and ongoing skincare regimens.

Cost of a Chemical Peel in San Diego

Your chemical peel will be planned to match your ideal rejuvenation goals, so costs will vary according to the type and depth of the peel. When you come for your consultation to discuss your goals, you will receive an accurate estimate of the cost. If you have any further questions or would like to book your consultation, please do not hesitate to call our San Diego office at (619) 704-2100.


What skin concerns can a chemical peel address?

A chemical peel is used for various skin concerns, including acne, fine lines, uneven skin tone, sun damage, and improving overall skin texture.

Can I wear makeup after a chemical peel?

For superficial peels, makeup can usually be worn soon after recovery. However, for deeper peels, your skin may need time before applying any products.

How often can I get a chemical peel?

This varies based on the type of peel and individual skin responses. Superficial peels may be performed every few weeks, while medium and deep peels are usually spaced farther apart.

How can I maintain results after my chemical peel?

To prolong your chemical peel results, establish a consistent skincare routine, minimize sun exposure, and schedule regular follow-up treatments as recommended by our skin experts.


  1. Samargandy S, Raggio BS. Skin Resurfacing Chemical Peels. PubMed. Published 2020.
  2. Dayan E, Rohrich RJ. Jessner’s Solution with Trichloroacetic Acid Chemical Peel. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2019;7(5):e2250. doi:
  3. Soleymani T, Lanoue J, Rahman Z. A Practical Approach to Chemical Peels: A Review of Fundamentals and Step-by-step Algorithmic Protocol for Treatment. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology. 2018;11(8):21-28.